Monday, July 14, 2008


Well, I guess you've learned your lesson not to trust me. I failed to bring you more blogging like I said I would (well I didn't, but the topic was falsely stated).

Mr. Smiley is not so smiley anymore.

In my own defense, I was rather busy today. I worked out.

I tried to join an online community, and I chatted with my mom and her bffl JoAnne.
I went with my cousin and we visited my Gram.

Met up with my boyfriend and we went mini golfing after failing to find HellBoy (1) at the local Movie Scene.

(note to self- don't search for "Movie Scene" in google images... waaaaay too vague)

Then we came back and looked at condo listings in MLS.
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The end. Goodnight!

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