Thursday, July 24, 2008

antiques roadshow?

I couldn't be more pleased to finally show you my $5 work of art that I found at the Londonderry Flea Market a few weekends ago. (If you click on any of the pictures, you can zoom in a lot closer, if you're into that kind of a thing.) To be honest, I'm really impressed. The guy who sold it to me said he just bought it with a bunch of stuff from a couple who were moving to Florida. Thank you Floridians. :] What was once in your furnished basement is now in my room, awaiting a touch-up on the frame. On the back of the painting is a certificate from the artists' guild in New York City that says it was "faithfully reproduced" by lithography. Word.

Also found at this flea market are my $0.50 sunglasses!

Look at the crazy tiger thing! Thanks China. :] They're a little tight on the sides, but I think they look alright, they're in perfect condition and they're a pretty shade of green. They cost me 50 cents but I don't think Fiddy Cent, paid 50 cents for these, yo.
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Those are probably worth more than my car.

Alright time for more activities. Peace.

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